
First of all I would like to apologize to those who favorited my earlier shot of Palouse. I decided to delete that because the more I stared at it the more homogenous it made me feel. Having seen a million shots just like the one I posted I began to wonder if I was suffering from a case of creating content rather than expressing myself through art. So I decided to focus my effort on creating a shot that was unique and hopefully a new perspective of albeit an often photographed place. As I was going through my archives I came across this shot of hikers on mesquite dunes at DV. The light, patterns and textures I felt all added up to an image more interesting than my earlier Palouse shot. Not sure if you feel the same way, but the artist in me can definitely sleep better now.
Published in National Geographic

Race Track Playa, Death Valley, California
(Blend of two exposures, one obtained right after sunset for foreground and a prolonged exposure for milky way)

Wandering through the Badwater Basin of Death Valley National Park it is easy to get lost in the feeling of exploring an alien planet. So close to home and yet so many light years apart.

Life is the art of finding your balance in this universe
Balancing rock
Arches National Park, Moab, Utah.

Sometimes, you find yourself in the middle of nowhere, and sometimes, in the middle of nowhere, you find yourself,
Sunrise at Mesquite Dunes.
Death Valley. California.